Daniel Grimwood shines a light on the music of Adolph von Henselt, one of the most admired Romantic composers and piano virtuosi of the 19th century, whom Schumann called the ‘hero of the pianoforte’, whose works have nevertheless been largely forgotten in the last 100 years. The album presents a rare collection of pieces, recorded in Schwabach in Germany, Henselt’s town of birth.

Pianist Daniel Grimwood is a performer of international renown, combining an exceptional talent, rare versatility and refinement of technique, with an inquisitive and creative personality.

foto_markgrafensaal_grimwood_kEdited by Edition Peters Sounds its release is on the 1st of December 2016.

A concert in Schwabach with Daniel Grimwood will be on the 10th of March 2017 at 19:30 in the Bürgerhaus. http://www.schwabach.de/de/schlaglichter/4293-adolph-von-henselt-klavierwerke.html



eps005_fontcoverdigital15001500For the cover we choose a detail of a painting from the British artist Janet Lynch.



Here you can find the first reviews of the CD:

